The Data Minute

The Future of Fund Forecasting | Anubhav Srivastava (Founder, Tactyc)

Carta Season 1 Episode 15

Welcome to a very special episode of The Data Minute. For the first time, Peter Walker (Head of Insights at Carta) is joined by an actual Founder and CEO, Anubhav Srivastava whose company is now a part of the Carta family! Join them for an in-depth conversation that goes in two directions. First, for VCs, they discuss reserve ratios, recycling capital, forecasting, and the effect LP influence could have on your fund metrics.

Second, Anubhav shares his experience on what it’s like to be acquired. If you're a founder wondering if it’s time to join something bigger, you won’t want to miss the advice and insight Anubhav brings to the entire process.

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00:00 Welcome
02:06 An overview of Tactyc
06:42 Solving problems in portfolio management
9:08 What are the metrics that matter most?
11:36 Reserves and recycling
18:07 Bigger impact? Initial or reserve investments?
19:17 What do LPs wish more GPs told them?
27:33 A founder’s thoughts on being acquired
32:40 Outro

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